Cellulitis is a condition in which the skin has a dimpled, lumpy, appearance such as an orange skin therefore the term “orange peel”. It occurs mostly affects thighs and also in buttocks, women are usually the ones who are more affected, several factors influenced this, for instance genetics, food, as well as fat; since this is accumulated. Decreasing fat intake does not mean stopping eating is just balancing and above all it is important. Another factor is to be steady for a long time, it is important to walk as this will help to reduce inflammation of the cell and also try not to wear tight clothes.
There are three phases:
- The first one is when the orange peel is not yet observed.
- The second when the orange peel appears when compressing the skin.
- Fourth when the orange peel is permanent.
In the first phase we are on time to eliminate cellulites easily with the tips above mentioned, in other phases we can also do it, but we will need massages in those areas, and constant water intake for better hydration.