Get rid of cellulite-

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Cellulitis is a condition in which the skin has a dimpled, lumpy, appearance such as an orange skin therefore the term “orange peel”. It occurs mostly affects thighs and also in buttocks, women are usually the ones who are more affected, several factors influenced this, for instance genetics, food, as well as fat; since this is accumulated.  Decreasing fat intake does not mean stopping eating is just balancing and above all it is important. Another factor is to be steady for a long time, it is important to walk as this will help to reduce inflammation of the cell and also try not to wear tight clothes.

There are three phases:

  • The first one is when the orange peel is not yet observed.
  • The second when the orange peel appears when compressing the skin.
  • Fourth when the orange peel is permanent.

In the first phase we are on time to eliminate cellulites easily with the tips above mentioned, in other phases we can also do it, but we will need massages in those areas,   and constant water intake for better hydration.

Exercising in the morning-

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If you want to lose weight, exercising in the morning is ideal because our muscles are relaxed and metabolism is slower. Aerobic exercises are the fastest way to burn fat with cardio exercises, such as jumping. It is important to warm up before exercising, in this way you give your body a chance to go toning complementing with force exercises. In the morning our metabolism is accelerated by doing exercise and the advantage is that the level of glycogen is low this happens because of the lack of food (last one you had was probably 8 hours ago or even more) and since you have not consumed any food, your body will use accumulated fat as fuel, however the warm up must be stronger than at any other time of day because the muscles are not ready and they are more susceptible to injuries. Doing exercise in the morning is more effective to lose weight this is due to the fact that it does not come in the way, you do not have to stop any activity to do so, and  most of the times and this makes you have better discipline than any time of the day. As for your energy it will be greater for the rest of the day.

Menopause, already?

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In Capslim.US  we do understand that not everything has to do with losing weight or getting rid of fat easily, we know there are other topics that might influence on your weight loss journey, this time want to present an important matter for all us women: Menopause, which is a stage of the woman that is characterized because menstruation comes to an end, medical statistics indicate that 90% of women pass this stage between 48 and 54 years, the loss of production of female hormones, estrogen and progesterone unleash a series of symptoms that we will tell you about next.

Main Symptoms:

• Body Figure: changes in the body shape due to the accelerated metabolism causing increased body fat especially if the woman leads a sedentary life, reflecting the weight gain and this can increase the risk of diabetes or cardiovascular problems.

• Hot flushes: this is the main symptom and can last up to 5 years, it is reflected when the woman begins to suffer anxiety and heat accompanied by sweating and palpitations.

• Mood changes: the cause of emotional stress is also due to the insomnia suffered during this stage. Tiredness, depression, lack of concentration and energy, irritability, anxiety or aggression. These are some of the states that a woman can go through during menopause.

• Vaginal dryness: During this stage estrogen decreases which decreases vaginal lubrication. Dryness can make intercourse painful for women.

Losing weight when you are over 30-

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Losing weight after 30 is not that easy, first of all metabolism and habit changes, our life turns a little more busier and sometimes it is hard to have a balance in life.

After we turn 30 and every decade now and on we should be preparing our body for the next step. It is important of course to include an exercise routine. Some of us have also experience 1 or more pregnancies, and it is know that it tends to be a little harder to lose the extra weight, and even your babies are toddlers now your body might not probably be the same as pre-pregnancy. Another thing to keep in mind are the hormonal changes, menopause can actually cause your metabolism to be slower and therefore you put on some extra pounds; it is harder to get rid of fat and it might be that struggle the responsible for all that stress which makes our cortisol levels to rise, and then it is even harder to lose weight fast.  

Capslim is known for its natural ingredients which boost metabolism and help you through this stage, and to get the results you want.