Thyroid is located in the lower part of the neck; it is a gland that is responsible for the production of hormones that regulates metabolism and functions of body organs, body temperature and memory. It is a small gland that is shaped like a butterfly and is located right in the lower part of the neck and in the upper part of the clavicle.
Some of its functions are:
• Promotes growth of tissues, organs and the whole body in general.
• Regulates nervous system functions
• Controls body temperature.
• Proper assimilation of nutrients from food.
•It is also involved in the control of the heart rhythm.
• Interferes with the health and good condition of the epidermis.
• Constitutes regulating blood cholesterol levels.
Thyroid functioning depends on the amount of iodine that the body is able to assimilate when we eat, whenever is a lack of iodine, the thyroid does not work well