Capslim-Weight loss tricks

Ok, your alarm clock starts ringing, you know it’s now time to get out the bed and get ready for work but then the first thing that comes to your mind COFFEE and a delicious blueberry muffin, after all breakfast is the time when we can eat a little more, but let me tell you that nonetheless it is truth a muffin it’s not the best option and I’m not saying that you should never have it, after all life will not be the same with those little sins once in a blue moon, we can have a delicious breakfast without all that sugar and flour included.

Weight loss has to do with discipline and changing our daily life habits; something that has perfectly worked for me and helped me to lose belly fat is having a different shake each morning.

Today I’ll tell you how to do one that can be an option instead of your blueberry muffin.

Firstly I’ll tell you that oatmeal is great to lose weight and our shake this morning will of course include it, we will also obviously need blueberries, banana, a pinch of cocoa powder, and even I prefer to use almond milk you have the option to choose lactose free and fat free milk, remember that we are using this shake to lose weight so you don’t want to add fat by using whole milk

The process is quite simple, the only thing you have to do is: putting all the ingredients in the blender,   make sure you do not add extra sugar or it will not work and it can actually make you gain some pounds instead.

This shake will give you tons of energy and it contains fiber and antioxidants too.

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