Capslim-Not everything has to do with losing weight

Yes I totally understand that our blog gives you tips on losing weight fast or getting rid of jelly rolls and loads of these kind of things, however this time we want to do something different just for the fact that one of our favorite “holidays” is about to take place.

Of course I am taking about Halloween, who doesn’t enjoy costumes, candies and all the fun involved with this particular celebration, which by the way has nothing to do with Mexican tradition Day of the Death.

So here you are trying to get the best costume ever but your bank account is telling that it is not a good idea, and being honest spending a fortune in an outfit you will be wearing just once or twice a year is not what I would call a smart investment, we are only one week apart an you do need to get that outfit ready.

Homemade costumes seem to be a great way to have it your way. Here we list some ideas of what you could take into consideration and who knows, you might be the winner this time.

  1. Bob Ross this could only work if you are not a millennial, otherwise avoid it because your friends will spend the whole night asking you: who are you?
  2. Fred and Wilma Flinstone this is ideal for couples.
  3. Operation costume this has to be my favorite ever, you only need gray clothes and red and white felt.


So here you have three cheap and funny options for this Halloween.

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